PĀNUI: Event Consent Applications are currently closed due to the biosecurity risk of Freshwater Gold Clams.
Freshwater gold clams are an exotic aquatic pest and were first found in the Waikato River near Lake Karāpiro in early May 2023. They reproduce rapidly, threaten native species and clog water-based infrastructure. The freshwater gold clams have not been found in Te Arawa lakes yet and we need to keep it that way. Once introduced they are difficult to control, and eradication has never been achieved.
The freshwater gold clam has now been given the legal status of an Unwanted Organism under the Biosecurity Act. This means that people must not knowingly move or spread the freshwater gold clam or water that may contain it. To do so would be an offence under the Biosecurity Act 1993.
As kaitiaki and lakebed owners, Te Arawa Lakes Trust is working closely with The Ministry for Primary Industries, Biosecurity New Zealand, Bay of Plenty Regional Council and Mana Whenua to prevent the invasive freshwater clam from entering our lakes. As events on our lakes bring people from all over the country as well as boats, water vessels and other water equipment they significantly increase the risk of freshwater gold clams establishing themselves here. Therefore, events do not meet the objectives and policies outlined in He Mahere Taiao mō Ngā Wai o Te Arawa – Te Arawa Lakes Environmental Plan at this time. We will not be accepting any event applications on the lakes until such a time an alternative action plan is put in place.
To view the Māwharu o Māhuru post 27/9/23 on the Te Arawa Lakes Trust website, please click here.